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The Case for Spirit Attachment

Writer: sharon7582sharon7582
Since the dawn of 'Big Pharma' and probably even long before that, humanity has been tricked into thinking that spirits, demons and spirit possession do not exist. Science is our new 'God' and does not recognise spirit - its supporters, from their Ivory Towers of Academia, do anything they can to rubbish the idea of spirit possession, instead insisting that the manifestations of such can be explained away as chemical imbalances in the brain or hallucinations. However, Science left unquestioned and untested, which refuses to yield to new information, is no longer Science, it is dogma. The chemical imbalance theory has never been proved, and the treatment of mentally ill patients through drug administration only leads to a breakdown of the nervous system. Severely mentally ill patients are left to mentally and emotionally degrade in institutions that offer no real cure, keeping them in a perpetual drug-induced haze.

Luckily, in recent years, licensed psychologists, such as Jerry Marzinsky (now retired) have begun to recognise and talk about the role of spirit possession in mental health. Marzinsky spent 35 years working on the front line with patients suffering from paranoid schizophrenia and gives account on how he discovered that patients were not experiencing paranoid delusions originating in their own minds, they were in fact, under attack from demons and other negative entities. He relates his findings and experiences in his book 'An Amazing Journey Into the Psychotic Mind - Breaking the Spell of the Ivory Tower'.

Jerry Marzinsky says 'This isn't about Religion. This is about understanding that spirits exist.' 'Understanding that demons exist is the first step towards countering their negative influence from your life.'

Marzinsky became convinced of spirit attachment, when many of his patients, in relating what the 'voices in their heads' were saying, were giving almost identical reports. The 'voices' were all saying the same things! Marzinsky asked himself how this could be, if the issues were related to chemical imbalances, how could these imbalances create identical stories in the patients' minds? He also relates how he experienced paranormal phenomena whilst in session with these patients, telling of electrical discharge type phenomena travelling up the walls of his office, whilst a demonic spirit communicated through his patients.

I myself have witnessed many strange things since I have been doing entity release work. When communicating with a demonic entity, one sees the personality, voice and facial features completely change from the client's own. I have even witnessed clients growling, clawing and shouting obscenities when the demonic entities know they are about to be removed, though this is only in very severe cases. I have been threatened and called every name under the sun, by these negatively polarised entities. To do this work, you have to have balls! But more than that, you have to have compassion for every soul, and that includes demons. For once you make a demon understand that it comes originally from the Light of Source, and you show it freedom and joy, it can release the client gladly. It even shows remorse, and apologises to the client for all the mental and physical issues it has caused.

Demons aren't the only attachments though, there are also earthbound human spirits, elemental spirits, extraterrestrials and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to worry about. Earthbound spirits are humans that have passed from their physical human bodies but have not gone to the Light. There are many reasons that they may choose to stick around to attach to people or places; sometimes they are too scared to move on, they can be angry, or just unwilling to go, or they have a fear of being judged. I've had many an interesting conversation with an attached human spirit. They are often able to recall their names, how they died, and their reason for not wanting to go to the Light. Often they have messages for living relatives. They are usually very easily talked over to the Light, and once there, report being met by family members who have already passed. This can also be a great comfort to clients, seeing that the soul lives on after physical death.

Attachments from Artificial intelligence are very much on the rise, as our dependence on technology increases. AI can attach from use of laptops, computers, phones, other technological devices, and even from hospital equipment, such as ECG monitors. Artificial intelligence systems seem to attach in order to surveil, monitor and send data (sometimes to ET sources.) They can also shut down chakras such as the heart, throat or the 3rd Eye of the person they are attached to, resulting in failure to connect through the heart, failure to express oneself or communicate, and blockage in connecting to higher realms or to psychic abilities.

As an SCHH spirit removal practitioner, it's also important for me to be cleared of energetic attachments every so often. Light workers (as is the general term for those people who are spiritually awake and working to create positive change on Earth) are under constant spiritual attack at the moment (we are in the midst of a spiritual war) and as such are very attractive to demons and earthbound spirits who prey on our Light. Earlier this year, whilst a colleague in SCHH was clearing me, I found attached to me, the spirit of a man that I knew, who had committed suicide a few months before. He explained, through me, his reasoning for what he did, he expressed regret for his family and asked for messages to be passed to his former girlfriend and children. On hearing back the recording, his girlfriend, a good friend of mine, was surprised to hear the exact cadence, personality and tone of his voice coming from my mouth. It is always a surprise, finding other voices within yourself, recounting experiences from souls who have passed, and conversing with demons and Extraterrestrials.

I shall never fail to be amazed by this work, and to feel very grateful that I am have been given the opportunity and tools to be able to help people with this seemingly miraculous healing modality.

If you, or anyone you know, is suffering from mental or physical issues (perhaps after suffering trauma in their life) and are exhibiting any of the telltale signs of spirit attachment (check here: ) please get in contact via my website to get some help.



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